Photography portfolio using reveal.js

More than 6 years ago I created my first photoblog by handcrafting html pages that scrolled horizontally. It was a popular way to showcase photos in a category. Years later the pixelpost platform became the next hot thing for photographers as “photoblogging” became a trend. My good friend Francesco inspired me to move on to pixelpost, then learn jQuery to tweak the site to my fancy. I was happy with it for a few years and then figured it would be worth moving to wordpress with a decent theme, and avoid manual deployments. I took the migration as an excuse to refine my earlier set of images, culling out the older ones that I no longer wanted to show in the portfolio. But the manual update process on the wordpress site is slow. Besides, I started missing the ability to locally preview changes instead of changing directly in production. The desire to mess with a local php/mysql setup no longer exists.

Of late, creating static sites powered by tools like jekyll among others have become very popular. A developer of today can now edit posts/pages in markdown or another favorite format, locally preview changes, generate the static html files and push to github to make them live at once in github pages. In my view there is no better way to showcase projects.

Although I considered jekyll to power my photoblog, the simplicity and interactivity of revealjs made it a no-brainer choice. The yeoman generator for revealjs is very useful as it lets me create separate slide files and change their order in a json list.

Experimented with IMG tag vs background images to showcase large images. I prefer background image but then I had to override this style so that the whole image is visible all the time:

.reveal .slide-background {
    background-size: contain;

Note: The photo portfolio is not final/official yet.